Nobody's Sleeping is a shriek, a vomiting fit. It wants to talk about the things that hurt, the moon's dark face in our relationships with others. Sex, the body as a prison, as a jail sentence. Impossible communication, lying couples, fears, fear itself. The structural violence cruelly visited on the weakest - on women, immigrants . . . This is a hallucinatory tale, marginal and dreamlike which takes a twisted view of its subjects, taking them to extremes, making them unbearable. Sordid and poetic, a sick vision in which we can discern the voices of Bataille, Lorca, Koltés, Volodine, Jelinek, Liddell, Perec, Cunqueiro . . . Behind them the desire to name what is obscured, an eviscerating voice 'A sordid meat pie that curdles in the mouth, that breaks the teeth and will disturb our sleep when nighttime comes.' Valérie Tasso.