Mario Cuenca Sandoval was born in Sabadell in 1975, although he now lives in Cordoba, where he works as a teacher of philosophy. He is the author of the novel Boxeo sobre hielo (Boxing on Ice, Berenice, 2007, Premio Andalucía Joven de Narrativa), acclaimed as one of the novels most representative of the new generation of Spanish novelists. He has edited and written the prologue to 22 escarabajos: Antología hispánica del cuento Beatle (22 Beetles: A Spanish anthology of the Beatle story, Páginas de Espuma, 2009) and has been included in such anthologies as Mutantes: Narrativa española de última generación (Mutants: New generation Spanish Writing, Berenice, 2008); 30 cuentistas hispanoamericanos (30 Latin American Storywriters,, 2007); Poe (451 Editores, 2009) and Microcuento en Andalucía (Microstory in Andalusia, Batarro, 2009). As a poet, he has published Todos los miedos (All the Fears, Renacimiento, 2005, Premio Surcos de Poesía), El libro de los hundidos (The Book of the Lost, Visor 2006, Premio Vicente Nuñez de Poesía) and Guerra del fin del sueño (The War of the End of the Dream, Barcelona, 2008).