Naya is a protective deity in Taoism, taken from Chinese Buddhist mytholog. He was born during the Shang Dynasty in a military fortress. His father, Li Jing, was a governor and army commander. His mother (named Yin) gave birth to a ball with a lotus flower inside after having it in her womb for 3 years and 6 months... and this is how our story begins. Although basically the novel tells the story of Nezha, this has been adapted so as not to be a carbon copy of what is already known. There are many legends about Naya (he appears several times helping the protagonists of Journey to the West --the novel about the famous Monkey King, on whom Akira Toriyama based his Goku. As in The Investiture of the Gods, in which Naya is a recurring character, Naya, Naya: The Legend of the Child God is an ambitious tale of personal growth, honor, responsibility, and sacrifice.