It all happened in a valley. But not just any valley, in fact, it was in an enchanted valley. A valley ruled by three thoroughly wicked witches who were famous and feared because of their spine-chilling spells. Yes, I know your hair must be on end, perhaps your teeth have begun to chatter… But if you, like me, want to become a real witch you will have ventured to knock on the door of the Forbidden Castle… A book aimed at kids where the main character, Malvarina, tries to learn how to be a witch but following her own rules, which, of course, attracts the attention of the three wicked witches. An unconventional character, little Malvarina’s innocence and courage will find her a place in the heart of every reader. A witches cat…? No, Malvarina must have a rabbit. Flying on a broomstick…? That’s just so uncomfortable, Malvarina prefers a flying carpet. Will Malvarina be able to become the witch she wants to be?