Teresa Colom (La Seu d'Urgell, 1973) is a poet and writer. She graduated with a degree in Economic Sciences from the University of Pompeu Fabra. She has published several collections of poetry including "Com mesos de Juny" [Like the Month of June] (2001), which won her the Miquel Martí i Pol Prize from the Andorran government; "La temperatura d’uns llavis" [The Heat of Lips] (2002); "Elegies del final conegut" [Elegy to a Known End](2005); "On tot és vidre" [Where All is Glass] (2009) and "La meva mare es preguntava per la mort" [My Mother was Wondering About Death] (2012). "La señorita Keaton y otras bestias" [Miss Keaton and Other Beasts](2015), winner of the Maria Àngels Anglada Prize (2016) was her first fiction novel.