Diego Arboleda was born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1976, and a few years later earned a degree in Spanish from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has worked in one of the largest bookshops in the city. He won the City of Badajoz Illustrated Short Story Prize twice, together with the illustrator Eugenia Ábalos, and in 2012 he won the Lazarillo Prize for Creative Writing for his work Banned from Reading Lewis Carroll, a book with which he also won the National Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature in 2014. In collaboration with the illustrator Raúl Sagospe, in addition to Banned from Reading Lewis Carroll, he has also published Mil millones de tuberías [A Billion Pipes], Aventuras en espiral [Spiral Adventures], Papeles arrugados [Crumpled Papers], Los descazadores de especies perdidas [The Unhunters of Lost Species] This book tells the story of Eugéne Chignon, a young French governess who travels to New York in 1932 to look after a little girl, Alice, whose unbridled passion for the world created by Lewis Carroll has caused her parents to forbid her to read his books. Eugéne's first mission is to prevent Alice from learning that Alice Liddell, the real Alice who inspired Lewis Carroll, now in her eighties, is visiting the city to receive a tribute. Eugéne Chignon will see that strange coincidences, outlandish characters and absurd situations are not only the heritage of Wonderland, but are often found in our world, and especially in this house.
and Elio.